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PanMUN Chairs

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Historical Crisis

Historical Crisis

Rahul Sundaresan

I’m Rahul Sundaresan, a junior at Harker, and I’m incredibly excited to be chairing for the French Revolution crisis committee. I’ve been doing Model UN since eighth grade, and I tend to be on the more unorganized side, so be prepared for some spontaneity and randomness during committee. Alice and I have put exactly 20 minutes of effort into character selection, so you might be eight years old or in prison. Crisis is all about adapting to a confusing situation, so that’s a good initial test of your ability to spin a difficult scenario to your benefit. If you send a position paper to me, I can guarantee that I will absolutely not read your email, and I smile highly upon impromptu speeches and general unpreparedness. I’m also one of the conference chairs for PanMUN II, so if you have any questions about PanMUN or Model UN in general, feel free to ask me. Have fun!

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Alice Zhao

I’m Alice Zhao, a junior at Mission San Jose High School, and I’m incredibly excited to be chairing for the French Revolution committee. I fell in love with MUN almost immediately after I started competing in freshman year, and I want to foster this same love in all of my delegates. I had a lot of fun chairing a specialized/crisis hybrid committee at PanMUN I (with Rahul as my best delegate…somehow!). I’m looking forward to seeing all the creative solutions that will inevitably come forward while you all try to reform France during the Reign of Terror!

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Vikram Mahajan

I’m Vikram Mahajan, a junior at Mission San Jose High School in Fremont. I started doing Model UN last year — Pan MUN I in January was my second conference ever — and it’s quickly become one of my favorite extracurriculars.

Other than Model UN, I’m also involved with my school’s Mock Trial and History Bowl teams, as well as the founder and president of MSJ’s Civics Club — in other words, I’m a nerd when it comes to history and politics. I also love watching Bollywood movies, listening to Bollywood songs, and reading.

This is my first time chairing, and I’m excited to get to see how this situation unfolds — all the more because I chose this topic for the committee and am deeply interested in it. Hopefully, you all will enjoy reading this guide as much as I enjoyed helping write it, and will find the committee topic as fascinating as I did.

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Fiona Hsu

I’m Fiona, a senior at Mission San Jose High School. I joined MUN in another country, but that’s a story for another day. I really enjoy running around in conferences and eating food with my fellow delegates; they were super helpful to getting me accustomed to the US version of MUN! I hope you all enjoy this conference topic!

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Shriya Prabhudev

I’m Shriya Prabhudev, a junior at Mission San Jose High School. I joined our school’s Model UN club at the start of my sophomore year. I really enjoyed it from my first conference at GUNN MUN last year. I’m also involved in my school’s Medcorps club. I enjoy listening to music, reading and baking. As a first time chair, I’m excited to listen to the speeches and see how this situation is resolved in committee.

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Bindhya Parthasarathy

My name is Bindhya and I am honored to be one of your co-chairs for this year’s UNEP committee. I am a senior at Homestead High School and the President of our Model UN Club. I have been doing Model UN since my freshman year and love that it fosters a problem-solving attitude and promotes knowledge of global issues. Outside of MUN I enjoy running, dancing, and trying new boba places. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or boba place recommendations!

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Supra Malepati

My name is Supra and I am esteemed to be one of your co-chairs for this year’s UNEP committee. I am a junior at Homestead High School and the Director of Internal Affairs of our Model UN club. I started Model UN last year and enjoy how the club provides valuable insights into global issues and promotes critical thinking. Outside of MUN, I enjoy dancing and horseback riding. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

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Sophia Xie

I am Sophia Xie, a junior at Notre Dame San Jose, and I am so excited to be one of your chairs for this CSW conference at PANMUN. I have attended several MUN events throughout the past year, such as SCVMUN. Aditi and I are chairing this year for our school so we are so pumped to be starting off the year with this event! During my freetime, I enjoy activities like drawing, baking, running, and listening to music from artists such as Gracie Abrams, Taylor Swift, and TXT. I look forward to meeting many lovely delegates at this MUN conference.

Aditi Seshadri

My name is Aditi Seshadri, and I am currently a junior at Notre Dame San Jose. As one of your CSW chairs, I am excited to see how everyone works together to tackle the issue of access to education for girls in conflict zones. I am an experienced Model UN member and have attended several events over the past year and am interested in international affairs. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music by artists like Coldplay, One Direction, and The Weekend; I also love playing guitar and baking with Sophia. I look forward to seeing how the frameworks come together and your speeches!

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Diyaan Mehta

My name is Diyaan Mehta, and I am a junior at BASIS Independent Silicon Valley. This year I will enter my third year of Model UN as well as my first year of being the co-president of the team! Outside of MUN, you can find me grinding for golf tournaments, watching soccer matches, and attempting to teach myself how to code in new languages. I hope to see good debate and great ideas from the delegates on how to move forward with such a delicate issue as dealing with the future of uncontacted tribes.

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Xiangtuo Cui

My name is Xiangtuo Cui, and I am a junior at Basis Independent Silicon Valley (BISV). I'm excited to be chairing SOCHUM this year. This is my third year in Model UN, and first time chairing PanMUN. I am currently co-president of BISV MUN. Other than MUN, I like to play basketball and watch Formula 1. I hope that all delegates, including U.N. I will have a great time at PANMUN!

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Mihika Agrawal

My name is Mihika, and I am a senior at Cupertino High School. I’ve been participating in MUN since freshman year. Outside of academics, I enjoy playing soccer, reading and listening to music. I am looking forward to meeting delegates and leading an exciting committee!

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Zoya Khan

I’m Zoya, and I’m a senior at Cupertino High School. I’ve been doing MUN for three years and outside of school, I love baking, reading fantasy, and my cats! I’m excited to meet you all and see your creative ideas in committee!

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McKayla Hsu

My name is McKayla, and I’m a current junior at Fremont High School. This is my 3rd year doing MUN, and I’m excited to share my passion with you! I’m looking forward to hearing about the different solutions to tackle the problem of brain drain, and how we can work towards closing the gap between countries. Outside of Model UN, you can usually find me playing volleyball, singing, or sleeping.

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Nithya Nukala

I’m Nithya, a junior at Fremont High School. This is also my 3rd year doing MUN, and I have been in multiple committees over the years. I love the collaborative nature, and I’m delighted to see what everyone has to bring to the table! Apart from Model UN, I like to play the violin and basketball, or be anywhere with a scenic view. I look forward to meeting you!

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